Do not limit yourself- If you do, then God will too. Whatever dream you have been passionate about of doing then this year do not sulk. However that is not the answer to go on dreaming, but to keep dreaming while doing it as you start to pursue.
Do not be afraid to explore- Take a risk so to explore the unknown.From all corners of your interest, food,lifestyle, fashion, music and art.Let your drive help you re-invent yourself.
Learn from your failures- You cannot afford to make the same mistakes this year. As you re-invent yourself, avoid making similar mistakes. This will help you to make new strategies to accomplish your goal.
Resolutions- I am guessing by now you have resolutions that can make you feel so excited. Well remain faithful and it does not matter if they take time but trust me, having resolutions keeps you focused throughout the year.
Empowerment- If you are to own 2017, then quit feeling abandoned if no one is there to take care of you. Be your own hero, empower yourself and do your best then you will be the one to take care of others.
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